
class lnst.Recipes.ENRT.ConfigMixins.DisableTurboboostMixin.DisableTurboboostMixin

Bases: BaseSubConfigMixin

This mixin class is an extension to the BaseEnrtRecipe class that can be used to disable CPU turboboost on hosts before running the tests.

Any recipe that wants to use the mixin must define the disable_turboboost_host_list property first.

Note: The mixin uses intel_pstate sysfs interface to disable the CPU feature and so it is usable only by systems with Intel CPUs.


disable_turboost – (optional test parameter) boolean to control the CPU turboboost. When the parameter is set to True the CPU turboboost is disabled on all hosts defined by disable_turboboost_host_list property. Otherwise this mixin has no effect.

property disable_turboboost_host_list

The value of this property is a list of hosts for which the CPU turboboost should be turned off. Derived class can override this property.