
class lnst.Recipes.ENRT.L2TPTunnelRecipe.L2TPTunnelRecipe(**kwargs)

Bases: PauseFramesHWConfigMixin, BaseTunnelRecipe

This class implements a recipe that configures a simple L2TP tunnel with one tunnel session between two hosts.

        .------| switch |-----.
        |      '--------'     |
        |                     |
.-------|------.      .-------|------.
|    .--'-.    |      |    .--'-.    |
|    |eth0|    |      |    |eth0|    |
|    '----'    |      |    '----'    |
|      | |     |      |      | |     |
|  ----' '---  |      |  ----' '---  |
|  L2TP tunnel |      |  L2TPtunnel  |
|  ----------  |      |  ----------  |
|              |      |              |
|    host1     |      |    host2     |
'--------------'      '--------------'

The actual test machinery is implemented in the BaseEnrtRecipe class.

The test wide configuration is implemented in the BaseTunnelRecipe class.

The recipe provides additional parameter:

param carrier_ipversion:

This parameter specifies whether IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are used for the underlying (carrier) network. The value is either ipv4 or ipv6

param l2tp_encapsulation:

(mandatory test parameter) the encapsulation mode for the L2TP tunnel, can be either udp or ip

configure_underlying_network(config: EnrtConfiguration) tuple[RemoteDevice, RemoteDevice]

The underlying network for the tunnel consists of the Ethernet devices on the matched hosts.

create_tunnel(config: EnrtConfiguration, tunnel_endpoints: tuple[RemoteDevice, RemoteDevice]) tuple[RemoteDevice, RemoteDevice]

One L2TP tunnel is configured on both hosts using the L2TPManager. Each host configures one L2TP session for the tunnel. IPv4 addresses are assigned to the l2tp session devices.


The ping endpoints for this recipe are simply the tunnel endpoints

Returned as:

[PingEndpoints(self.matched.host1.l2tp_session1, self.matched.host2.l2tp_session1)]